Abbynormal Falling---
There are two types of falls in my world... First, there is the type of fall where you are on the dance floor swing dancing hard and fast to an oldies band. When right in the middle of a move you find yourself lying on the dance floor with that look of “what happened”. Of course, it was my shoes fault. You get up take a bow before the group of watchers then you just pretend that nothing happened and you finish your dance. Then there is that “other fall”. Same music, same crowd, same band. You’re dancing hard and fast. Your partner pulls you in, winds you up, sends you out for a spin, then you are suppose to do your turn come back take his hand and move on to the next move. Well this time he pulled me in, wound me up, sent me out, but instead of coming back, I spun like a lop-sided top away from him. It amazes me how your body can be moving at the speed of light yet your brain is moving in slow motion. My brain was telling me that this rope divider next to these tables is not going to stop me, that I am going to go through it and I am going to pull it down with me. Then it tells me that I am going to hit the ground and land on my back then my head is going to fly back and hit something hard. Of course, when it is over, you are lying on your back on the floor with your head on someone’s knee, and there is a divider all around you. Then of course, your first thoughts are I am so glad I wore dance shorts under my dress and when I get home, I am throwing these dance shoes away.
Before trying the more graceful sport of dance I was training hard to be a world class, okay maybe just a really good masters long distance runner ( I can be a little on the dreamy side). I had a few interesting falls during my “career”. One was the type of fall when you are running along the road minding your own business and out of nowhere, your shoe “it’s always the shoes fault” decides to catch a pebble that would take a magnifying glass to see. The next few seconds or milliseconds you find your life passing in front of you as your body contorts itself in ways you never knew it could as it try’s everything it can to avoid the hard ground below you. First your back arches like a gymnast, then your hips go left as your legs do a number from the ballet “Swan Lake”, all the while your arms look like they’re trying to fight off an attack of killer bees.. At the same moment, your knees are cringing because they know this is really going to hurt. Next thing you know you find yourself rolling toward the gutter because cars are coming and people are looking at you as if you are crazy. Kids are asking their parents, mommy, why is that woman rolling across the street? Of course no one stops to ask if you are okay, they are to busy laughing and wishing they had a camera so they could make some money.
Took 3rd in Lindy Dance Competition |
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