Abbynormals Journey towards health. Discovering the Keto Zone lifestyle.
My people Perish for Lack of Knowledge Hosea 4:6
How many different size pants do you have in your closet? I know I have at least three sizes. I have been up and down in my weight so many times. I think about a year ago I stopped trying. I so was tired of being hungry all the time. I gave up. Then, of course, I gained. I bought bigger sizes, and I still gained. I wasn't sleeping well, it seemed that everything was starting to hurt, my hands, my feet, my arms, my jaw, bla bla bla. I knew I was reaping what I had sown. I also knew this was not what God had for me. So I searched the Bible for answers. I prayed. My husband prayed. And God answered!
Stage One --Healing of my Spirit and Soul
When I became born-again my spirit was made alive. It was then that I started understanding the Bible and started seeing the world different. Yet, for years I kept waiting for God to "fix" me and make me whole, that someday I would just arrive at understanding. I didn't know that I had a part in my "maturing" in the Word as a Believer of Christ. I did not know that it was my job to renew my mind and take care of my body, His temple. Somehow I missed that teaching... that I have work to do, work in transforming my mind and body. Surely my pastors taught on this...did I miss their teachings, or did they not teach this? My thoughts were all over the place and were full of self hatred, anxiety, and fear. I did not know that I was destroying myself! I am so glad that God does not give up on us! God was faithful to help me understand how to renew my mind through Brother Curry Blake's teachings at What an awesome moment it was when this mind renewing revelation was made clear to my understanding! It was my job to renew my mind using Gods Word. It was my job to take every thought captive! MY JOB!
2 Timothy 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.
Through Brother Curry's teachings I have been learning how to renew my mind for a few years now with full understanding that it is my job. But the body, well, it seemed to have a will of its own. The appetite of the flesh, especially towards food was deep in me, all the way back to when I overcame anorexia nervosa in high school. It seems that I always had a "relationship" with food even when I was starving myself!
Stage Two--Revelation from God
1 Cor. 3:16 "Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? "
In seeking freedom from food issues I have been studying the Bible with regards to food, eating, and gluttony, all within the relationship of our body being His temple. God has been dealing with me, because he wants all of me. He wants me free. Spirit, Soul and Body! He wants me healthy! How useful is a sick overweight soldier? What sort of witness is this to the unsaved? Jesus paid the price for my His Strips I was healed. If I feed myself unhealthy food, then get fat and start having health issues, then go to God for my healing, but don't do my part and take care of this body, should I expect to stay healed? We reap what we sow. Period. If instead of putting good clean motor oil in your car you add dirty cooking oil, can you expect your car to run right?? God gave us good clean simple food.
It is amazing how your mind can talk you into eating more food then you need or unhealthy foods, because....there is always tomorrow to start eating right or start that diet. But, like most people when tomorrow shows up we have another excuse! Sometimes we compare ourselves to others and say; "I am not as big as so and so"... Why do we always judge ourselves against others? We must take every thought captive! Loves others as God sees them and we must know what the Bible says about being disciplined soliders in Gods army.
God had me searching and seeking freedom and Godly health and in my quest to find answers I came across a youtube video on BVOV (Believer's Voice of Victory Network) in which Kenneth Copeland talks with Dr. Don Colbert, a Christian and author of the "Keto Zone". During this almost 2 hour video my life changed. I heard the truth like I had not heard before. Godly truth! About 30 minutes into this program Kenneth shares what God had shown him a few years back. This is his statement: "There is a difference between one who desires to be well and one who is just tired of being sick. I need to be well for a reason. I am a soldier in the army of the Lord, I need to be well, I need to be strong, I need to be believing God! One who desires to be well will confess healing scriptures everyday, will not dare miss taking his supplements, wouldn't eat anything excepts Gods way of eating, "organic and right portions", he wouldn't eat anything other then Gods way of eating under any circumstances!"
That is a pretty powerfull statement! Where am I at with this thinking? I had been pretty carefree, and thoughtless with my eating. I am told in Romans 12:1-2 "I beseech you therefore, brethen, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God." I present my body! Is my body holy? Is it a living sacrifice? Have I really taken care of it the way God would want me to? Not worship it, but take care of it, subdue it, make my flesh obey! Just like it is my job to renew my mind it was my job to take care of this body, which He calls His temple.
Stage Three- Healing of my Body
In Lester Sumrall's book "Spirit Soul and Body" he says, quote "Nothing can so hinder us as the outward man dominating the inward man. If we have never learned how to release our inward man by breaking through the outward man, we are not able to serve the living God as we should."
In the video Dr. Colbert talks about how certain foods can cause inflamation within your body. Mainly nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, potatoes...) gluten, and dairy. What if Dr. Colbert is right, in that most of the food I craved was causing inflamation in my body? I pretty muched lived on dairy, gluten, and veggies from the nightshade family. Tacos anyone?? No more cheese, salsa, chips, or corn/flour tortillas for me! So it is somewhat of a challenge to be doing Keto Zone along with the no inflamitory foods. Many times we were already eating Keto style, veggies and meat, but our main diet was mexican food. Since watching the 2 hour video above I have been changed inside and out. The pounds are melting away and I have had no temptations to go back to the way I was. Plus no heart burn! I cleaned out my cupboards and refrigerator, and got rid of all foods that I will not be eating anymore. So much freedom! Such a simple way to eat. One of my daughters and her husband have been eating this way for years for health and fitness reasons. She had shared info with me, but I wasn't ready. They are very happy for us. Yes, us... I do the cooking so Daniel eats what I make. If it is good for me, it will be good for him. I still have alot to learn, especially with meal planning. But, thankfully the internet is full of keto recipes. Plus, we are only eating twice a day, just brunch and dinner only. We just are not hungry. Before I was ALWAYS hungry! ALWAYS! I do not consider this a diet, this is a lifestyle heart change! Plus, almost all my aches and pains are all ready gone!
There is a lot of information on the internet about the Keto "lifestyle diet" if one is interested. I would encourage anyone interested to watch the youtube video Kenneth Copeland talks with Dr. Don Colbert . Just copy and paste it in the youtube search window.
It doesn't cost much more to buy good healthy food when you cut out all the junk.
1 Cor. 6:20 "For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s."
Just like renewing my mind to who the Bible says that I am, taking care of my body, Gods temple, is my responsibility. Mine! We must, through the Word, find out who we are. It is our job.
Be. Know. Do.
1 Peter 1:13-16 Therefore grid up your minds, be sober, set your hope fully upon the grace that is coming to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the passions of your former ignorance, but as he who called you is holy, be holy yourselves in all your conduct; since it is written, "You shall be holy, for I am holy."
One final thought...Kenneth Copeland ask God... God, you delivered me from alcohol, and you delivered me from smoking, how are you going to deliver me from eating? I have to eat. God told him...I did not deliver you from drinking, I delivered you from drinking alcohol. I did not deliver you from breathing, I delivered you from breathing smoke! and I can deliver you from eating wrong foods!